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Olajumoke Olabimipe Dada

Profile photo of Olajumoke Olabimipe Dada

Site Location:
Nigeria, Abuja/Federal Capita Territory

Associated Site:
Nigeria Abuja Pro-Health International

About my site

Olajumoke Olabimipe hosts a site for colleagues within the organization and partner organizations. She has been coordinating the site since the fall of 2017 and offers a minimum of three courses per quarter. Initially, the site name was Nigeria Abuja Pro-Health International but later changed to Nigeria Abuja RBSL Learning Hub. Her site meets weekly in-person and/or virtually during the course to discuss the course materials and strategize relevant changes and enhancements within their scope of work. If you are interested in participating in an eDGH course with her site, you can contact her for more information. Priority is given to those within the field of global health. Still, there is often space for additional participants interested in learning or building a career in the global health space. The site supports participants to hone their skills by recommending them for job opportunities, training and workshops that meet their interests. The site uses local experts in the field to help facilitate site discussion meetings and provide personalized support to excel in the course and career pursuit. The site also creates opportunities for networking and building a community of experts in the field of global health.


Olajumoke Olabimipe is a Nigerian living in Abuja, Federal Capital Territory, Nigeria. She is a global health development specialist with close to two decades of experience in operations management, program management/coordination, health systems strengthening, business development, capacity building and strengthening, and mental health/trauma-informed care. She is the co-director of a private health consulting firm and a member of the board of directors of two other organizations in Nigeria. Currently, she is a trauma-informed care consultant with the United States Institute of Peace supporting the Border Police Unit in Kenya.

Olajumoke holds a bachelor’s degree in medical laboratory sciences from the Ambrose Alli University, Ekpoma, Edo State, Nigeria and a master’s degree in Global Health Policy and Management from the prestigious Brandeis University, Waltham, Massachusetts.

She is a co-director of a private health consulting firm that provides effective health consulting services and training to clients that meet international best practices and standards. Olajumoke doubles as the health systems strengthening specialist and the operations/program management director. She provides executive-level advisory, strategy, and operations support on health issues geared at improving the quality of healthcare services and population health outcomes. She provides leadership and expertise in identifying, formulating, and implementing healthcare goals and objectives in compliance with state and federal legal mandates and other guidelines. Also, she engages the relevant key stakeholders at the local, state, and national levels to address issues. She cooperates with them to design, develop, and implement a functional health performance management system.

My passion is for professionals to hone their skills by creating an opportunity to build and strengthen their capacities to become a force to be reckoned with globally. Working with eDGH has been a wonderful way to live out this passion.

Courses Offered

Wellbeing for Health Professionals
Project Management in Global Health
Policy Development and Advocacy for Global Health
Monitoring and Evaluation in Global Health
Leadership and Management in Health
Introduction to Epidemiology for Global Health
Global Mental Health
Fundamentals of Implementation Science
Fundamentals of Global Health Research
Economic Evaluation in Global Health
Clinical Management of HIV