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Adel Hamdi

Profile photo of Adel Hamdi

Site Location:
Tunisia, Tunis

Associated Site:
Polygone Tunisia

About my site

In order to help people and organizations in the healthcare sector reach their full potential, Polygone is a friendly, open center. Polygone creates a thriving network of like-minded individuals who are passionate about innovation and technology in the healthcare industry. Through networking opportunities, event planning, and training, Polygone enables people to develop their skills and widen their professional horizons.

Polygone started the journey with the University of Washington Department of Global Health’s e-Learning Program in 2021, and has supported 20+ cohorts with eDGH certificates, such as Economic Evaluation in Global Health, Policy Development and Advocacy for Global Health, Project Management in Global Health, and Leadership and Management in Health. This program has allowed Polygone to welcome several hundred learners and distinguished guests.

Finally, Polygone is open to collaboration to widen its community and fulfill its goals and make a huge impact. If you are interested in learning more, please contact Adel Hamdi.


Adel Hamdi is an Associate Professor of Pharmacology at the Faculty of Pharmacy in Monastir, Tunisia. He served as a member of the scientific council for three years. Adel earned his master’s degree in Integrated Preclinical and Clinical Pharmacology from the University of Paris Descartes in France. He conducted his research at the UMRS765 “Therapeutical Innovations and hemostasis” laboratory under the supervision of INSERM (National Institute of Health and Medical Research).

Adel completed his Pharmacy studies at the University of Montpellier and obtained his specialized Pharmacy degree from the University of Champagne Ardennes. During his specialization, he contributed to healthcare policy through his experiences at OMEDIT (Observatory of Drugs, Medical Devices, and Innovative Therapies) and the Regional Pharmacovigilance Center, where he helped implement studies to analyze risks and participated in the development and monitoring of risk management plans.

Adel developed a special interest in oncology and innovative cancer treatment therapies and pursued further education by obtaining a University Diploma in Clinical Oncology Pharmacy (Paris Descartes), a University Diploma in Medical-Economic Evaluation of Health Products (Paris Sacley), and a European Market Access University Diploma (EMAUD).

His experience at Gustave Roussy, the leading cancer treatment center in Europe was very enriching, then his responsibilities at the Salah Azaiez Institute, the reference center for cancer treatment in Tunisia, conducted him to work on national projects for anticancer drug reimbursement.

He co-founded post-graduate certificates in Pharmacoeconomics and Market Access then Regulatory Affairs at the Faculty of Pharmacy in Monastir, Tunisia.

He is currently pursuing an Executive MBA at the Mediterranean School of Business (South Mediterranean University) The synergy between his academic skills and business passion lead him to serve as Secretary General of the National Chamber of Pharmaceutical Industries (CNIP) in Tunisia, where he oversees policy initiatives and elaborates strategic partnerships to develop the pharmaceutical industry at national and international levels.

Adel has been passionate about entrepreneurship for several years and has been active in various clubs, including the Club Entreprendre of ATUGE (Association des Etudiants des Grandes Ecoles) in France. Since 2021, he co-founded ASQII and is the CEO of this Tunisian-labeled health-tech startup aiming to reduce the gap between health and technology through process automation, digitalization, and data analysis. He also founded Polygone, an open hub that provides infrastructure for individuals working to effect change in the health field by offering training, organizing events, and fostering network opportunities.

Courses Offered

Clinical Management of HIV
Economic Evaluation in Global Health
Fundamentals of Global Health Research
Fundamentals of Implementation Science
Global Mental Health
Introduction to Epidemiology for Global Health
Leadership and Management in Health
Monitoring and Evaluation in Global Health
Policy Development and Advocacy for Global Health
Project Management in Global Health